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4. Tower

The section outlines the Standard Operating Procedures for Tower Operations at Bahrain International Airport (OBBI)

4.1 General Provisions

Tower control (TWR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways. TWR shall also ensure separation in the control zone between IFR and IFR traffic is maintained. Traffic information shall also be provided so pilots of VFR traffic can maintain visual separation.

4.2 Preferential runway

The preferred calm wind configuration is departing and arriving runway 30R, which shall be used up to a 5-knot tailwind. Otherwise, runway 12L will be used. Tower shall pick the configuration that is used in real life (by checking flight radar) whenever possible.

4.3 Departure procedure

4.3.1 Standard departure points

Bahrain features intersections that are allowed as departure points. However, intersection departure points that shall only be assigned after confirmation by the pilot that aircraft performance is sufficient.

4.3.2 Line up clerances

Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word "BEHIND" at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clerances active at once.


"SWR243, BEHIND the Departing OMAN AIR A330, Line up and Wait Runway 30R BEHIND."

If the aircraft has not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.


"OMA298, Via A9 Line up and Wait Runway 30R."

4.3.3 Take-Off Clearances

Aircraft shall be cleared for take-off once adequate separation exists as provided in 4.3.4. In addition, depending on the Bahrain FIR exit point, an initial heading has to be given to the pilot either with or before the takeoff clearance.


"GFA8KC, After Departure Fly Heading 350, WIND 280 Degrees 4 Knots, Runway 30R, Cleared for Take-Off"

Headings 30R Configuration:

Exit RouteHeading JetHeading Prop/Helicopter
B457 NARMI300°300°
All other routes350°030°

Headings 12L Configuration:

Exit RouteHeading JetHeading Prop/Helicopter
N685 TULUB/TOSNA120°120°
All other routes070°030°

4.3.4 Separation requirements


Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima.

Succeeding aircraft with the same Bahrain FIR exit point shall be separated by a minimum of two minutes.

A VFR aircraft following a VFR departure may be instructed to maintain visual separation with preceeding aircraft and given take-off clearance if no wake turbulence separation minima exists.

Low visiblity and IMC

During low visibilty operations and during IMC in general, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving within 4nm of the landing runway threshold.

4.3.5 IFR handoff procedure

Departing IFR aircraft shall be handed off to the Bahrain TMA controller or when offline to Bahrain Radar instead. Aircraft shall be handed off when passing 800ft to ensure adequate time for a frequency change and avoid a level off on departure.

4.3.6 Stopping a departure

Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.

It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. The stopping distance of the aircraft is also significant. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times as well as runway incursion hotspots.


"FDB687, Stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, Runway Incursion."

For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll , they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason.


"FDB687, HOLD POSITION, Cancel Take-Off, I say again Cancel Take-Off, Aircraft entering the runway".

4.4 Arrival Procedures

4.4.1 Preferred exit points

When there are lots of arrival or departure activity, aircraft shall be instructed to vacate at the rapid exit taxiway for the runway in use. Aircraft shall not vacate before A4 in the 30R configuration and not before A6 in the 12L configuration.


In the case of Cargo Aircraft, assigning them a different exit point, such as, A2 in the 30R configuration might be advantageous

4.4.2 Separation Requirements


While the radar controllers are responsible for separating arriving aircraft, the TWR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation (>3nm) is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold.

Speed control

If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist, TWR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.


"OMA1784, Reduce to Final Approach Speed".

Visual Separation

Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMC and in agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.

4.4.3 Go-around Instruction

At any time should a runway become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around. Published Go-Around Procedure at Bahrain is to Fly Runway heading and climb to 2500ft.


"UAE175, Go Around, I say again, Go Around, Acknowledge".

Once the aircraft has acknowledged the instruction and is observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be handed off to Bahrain TMA.


"UAE175, Standard Missed Approach Procedure, Contact Bahrain Approach 127.85".

4.4.4 Arrival Taxi Procedure

In accordance with the taxi procedure laid down in 3.4, aircraft shall be provided an initial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving such that the rapid exit taxiway (RET) is clear for the next arrival.

The inital taxi shall include instructions to taxi "LEFT" or "RIGHT" onto the relevant taxiway as appropriate and hold at a suitable location.


"OMA8KC, Taxi LEFT on A, HOLD SHORT of R".

Once the aircraft has been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the RET, transfer of control shall be initiated to SMC provided there will be no conflicts with other traffic.